private tutoring

Private Tutoring

Get practical, personalised coaching from doctors and medical students who are experts in medical interviews and applications

Interview Tutoring
Medical interview experts - learn from carefully selected and trained experts who excelled in their own interviews and applications.
Matched to you - we’ll match you with the right tutor for you, with experience at your chosen university, to give you the ultimate edge.
Rapid improvement - get personalised feedback on your mock interviews and learn helpful frameworks to strengthen your weaknesses.
Tell your story - unlock your voice with tools and architecture to answer any question effectively, without memorisation.


Everything you need to know about our private tutoring inclusion
Your interview tutors aren’t just medical students; they’re specifically selected and trained doctors, interns and medical students who excelled in their own interviews and who, most importantly, are the best teachers in the space.
We do our best to match students with interview tutors from their chosen university. The right match helps to unlock all the subtle insights that can give you a real edge when interviewing at your chosen university.
In private interview tutoring sessions, we’ll discuss the feedback from your mock interviews and help you build frameworks to improve in your weaker areas. You’ll learn tools and architecture to answer questions effectively, rather than giving you things to memorise. We’ll help you unlock your voice to make your story and intention shine.
You can have private interview tutoring online or in-person. Most of our students find online tutoring more convenient, and it helps us match you to the best tutor for your needs. If you have a strong preference for one or the other, just let us know.

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